For some strange reason, most of Singaporeans are crazy about Apple products. When it comes to iphone - it's a must have gadget.
Few months earlier I had to get a smartphone, and when I asked around for opinions everybody was telling me same thing - get a iphone (white as it was latest version). At first I tried to find alternative to this, but only thing on market was HTC or Samsung which both I didn't like.
I was using an second hand Nokia E51 which is a great phone few years ago, but it really feels like a stone age phone if you compare it to latest mobile phones.
In the end - I got 32 GB version iphone4.
Why is iphone better then other smartphones? Actually, I don't think its better.But it is simple to use, durable,has good battery life, enough memory to replace your mp3 player and great hi resolution retina display.Not to forget, the most no. of apps available in the itunes store.I don't have jail broken OS, and I use regular OS5.So far,all apps that I need are free to download.
When my dear went to get her new phone just a while ago, she had chosen Motorola razr which has bigger screen (not higher resulution) , but very sleek looks and hi quality materials as kevlar make this phone very 'posh' looking.Dual core processor makes it run flash with no problem.
So, conclusion about smart phones today - it's a powerful pocket pc which makes us so lazy to even turn on our desktop or laptop computer.It can be connected to 3g or wi-fi non stop which makes us available non stop until our phone is on.I don't really like that idea, but it's like that in 'modern' world today.
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